Català | Castellano | 26.07.2024
Riva y García Financial Group Corporate Finance Private equity Private Banking
Riva y García Financial Group > Private equity > Entities  


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Venture funds and companies that we manage




Spinnaker SCR
Spinnaker is a venture capital company which focuses its investments on pan-European companies from the Media and Enabling Technologies sectors (technologies which facilitate the creation, management and distribution of contents) which are in different phases of development, from early-stage until to the buy-out phase.


Invercat Exterior FCR
A venture capital fund aimed at investing between €1 million and €3.6 million in Catalan companies in order to finance their internationalisation processes.


Tirant FCR
Tirant will invest principally in companies based in the Valencia Region. In addition, the fund may also invest in other geographical areas. Approximately 70% of the fund will be invested in companies in the expansion capital phase and 30% in early-stage companies.


Mediterrània Capital FCR
Fons Mediterrània Capital is a private equity fund of a generalist nature, promoted by the Catalan Institute of Finance (ICF) and with participations from other institutional investors, leading national financial entities, and other private industrial groups. Riva y Garcia manages it. The fund has €62M under management.


Healthequity SCR
Healthequity is a venture capital entity specialized in early-stage projects in the healthcare sector: medical devices, biotechnology and healthcare services. We will initially invest up to 1Million euros per company.