Català | Castellano | 14.01.2025
Riva y García Financial Group Corporate Finance Private equity Private Banking
Riva y García Financial Group > Private equity > Entities > Healthequity SCR  

Healthequity SCR

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Healthequity is a venture capital entity specialized in early-stage projects in the healthcare sector: medical devices, biotechnology and healthcare services.

Promoted by Col·legi de Metges de Barcelona and Grupo Financiero Riva y García, Healthequity is a new created entity of aprox. 7Meuros (in extension phase up to 15M€). It’s participated by pharmaceutical companies and Institutional Investors.
We are looking for innovative companies, in potential markets where exists an opportunity to accomplish significant improvements, lead by qualified teams and with sustainable business models. Healthequity's objective is to initially invest 1Milion euros for its stake and co-invest if the project requires it.

Healthequity has a qualified professional team, with scientific-technical and financial expertise to analyze and close investment bringing value to the portfolio company. Additionally, we have an extensive network and strategic alliances within the healthcare ecosystem.