Català | Castellano | 27.07.2024
Riva y García Financial Group Corporate Finance Private equity Private Banking
Riva y García Financial Group > Private equity > Entities > Mediterrània FCR  

Mediterrània FCR

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Fons Mediterrània Capital is a private equity fund of a generalist nature, promoted by the Catalan Institute of Finance (ICF) and with participations from other institutional investors, leading national financial entities, and other private industrial groups.

Principal characteristics

  • Mediterrània will invest, principally, in enterprises situated in the Maghreb Region with a focus on small and medium sized enterprises.
  • Fund of a general and well diversified character, destined to consolidate existent sectors, and with the purpose of fostering growth in emerging sectors.
  • The contribution of Mediterrània will initially be of a majority stake (the minimum investment is €1 M and the maximum is of €9M). Mediterrània can also acquire minority stakes depending on the nature of the projects and will also be present in the Administrative Board of the investee companies with a maximum involvement in order to create added value to its shareholders.
  • The Fund will invest exclusively in companies in phases of Capital Expansion and which are based in Morocco, Algeria or Tunisia.