Català | Castellano | 27.07.2024
Riva y García Financial Group Corporate Finance Private equity Private Banking
Riva y García Financial Group > Private equity > Entities > Spinnaker SCR (en liquidación)  

Spinnaker SCR (en liquidación)

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Spinnaker (en liquidación) is a venture capital company, incorporated on 24 April 2001 and registered at the CNMV (National Securities Market Commission) under No. 57, with €25 million of funds under management. Spinnaker (en liquidación) concentrates its investments on companies in the media sector which focus on the production, distribution and presentation of all kinds of contents, as well as the generation of application technologies for the sector (Enabling Technologies sectors). The targeted companies may be in any possible phase of development (early stage, expansion, build-up and buyout) from the beginning of the project to its maturity.

Spinnaker (en liquidación) is present in the global operations of its target sector, and its investments are aimed at companies which show that they are capable of adding value to the media sector chain. Riva y García's Private Equity team is responsible for management of the fund, with several internal and external advice committees, trained by sector experts and professionals with extensive experience in the company management field. The investors in the fund include both institutional and private investors, and family groups.

Spinnaker (en liquidación) has ended its investment period.






Media company specialized in health sector.