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Riva y García Financial Group Corporate Finance Private equity Private Banking
Riva y García Financial Group > Riva y García Financial Group > History  


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- Lanzamiento de Moby Dick Film Capital FCRE, S.A., fondo dedicado a producir, financiar y comercializar películas internacionales.
- Lanzamiento de Eoniq Mediterranean Seed Fund I, FCRE, fondo que invierte en startups tecnológicas nacionales


- Lanzamiento de The Extension Fund SCR-PYME S.A., fondo flexible de deuda que invierte en fases iniciales de startups. En fases más avanzadas invierte en venture debt con condiciones flexibles.
- Traspaso de gestión de la sociedad Arcalia Private Equity SCR.


- Launch of the Venture Capital Entity, Healthequity, to invest in start ups in the healthcare sector.
- Contribution of our Private Banking, Capital Markets and Asset Management Activity to Banco de Alcalà, subsidiary of Credit Andorrà in Spain, where Riva y García will maintain a minority shareholding.


- Foundation of Magreb Capital Advisors, to expand our Corporate Finance services in the Magreb Area.


- Commencement of our activity of investment and assessment in Distressed – Special Situations with the incorporation of an international team.
- Incorporation of the clients and part of the activity of SeBroker and Adepa.


- Launch of Mediterrània Capital Fund of €62,5M to invest in growth capital in the Magreb Region.
- Casablanca and Algiers office openings.


- Valencia office opening.
- Launch of Private Equity Fund, Tirant, with 46M€ to invest in capital expansion.
- Admission of Riva y García as Member of Valencia Stock Exchange.


- Acquisition of the Madrid based Management Company Aguilar y de la Fuente to expand our Private Banking Activity.


- Launch of 2 Private Equity Entities, i) Invercat Exterior FCR with 24M€ under management to invest in Catalan companies with internationalization processes and ii) Spinnaker with 25M€ under management to invest in companies in the media sector.


- Commencement of the Venture Capital Activity with Webcapital S.C.R. with €3M to invest in technological start ups.


- Takeover of the Management Company Gestotal.


- Acquisition of Riva y García Gestión S.G.I.I.C. S.A.
- Commencement of Fund's Management and SICAV's Activity.


- Admission of Riva y García as a Member of Barcelona Stock Exchange.
- Commencement of our Private Banking Activity.


- Foundation of Riva y García 1877 AV with offices in Barcelona and Madrid.
- Commencement of our Corporate Finance Activity.