Català | Castellano | 27.07.2024
Riva y García Financial Group Corporate Finance Private equity Private Banking
Riva y García Financial Group > Riva y García Financial Group > NEWS  


Riva y García lanza Eoniq con Tom Horsey para invertir en 'start-up'

Gamestry amplía su ronda y da entrada a Extension Fund

Un fondo de capital riesgo español invertirá en películas internacionales

El fondo de Antai y Riva y García debuta con 11 inversiones en 'start-up'

Riva y García y Antai impulsan un fondo de deuda de 35 millones

Antai se une a Riva y García en un fondo de deuda de 35 millones

Healthequity, el fondo de Riva y García y el Colegio de Médicos invierte en Sanifit.

ASCRI 2014 Prices

Riva y García acts as financial advisor to Naturhouse in its IPO

Healthequity invests 750,000€ in biotech Minoryx  
El fondo Biotech Healthequity cierra su primera operación  
Paul Allen, cofundador de Microsoft, invierte en Catalunya (Scytl- compañía participada por Spinnaker Invest)  
Riva y García transfered their funds to Alcalá  
Mas Colell –Círculo Ecuestre conference  
Mr. Borja García-Nieto interview  
Riva y García joins Crèdit Andorrà in private banking  
Banco Alcalá increase capital in 15% to add two new partners  
Sant Jordi, What kind of books recommend the entrepeneurs?  
Mediterrània Capital supports ten companies in the Maghreb  
Mediterrània Capital companies earned 63% more  
Mena visits Casablanca offices of Fons Mediterrània  
Mas promotes the catalan investment in Morocco  
Mediterrània closes its ninth investment  
Mediterrània Capital secures his investment in the Maghreb  
The Mediterrània fund creates the Mobile cards leader in Maghreb  
Mediterrània is dumped in Mobile telephone in the Maghreb  
The volume of venture capital returns to 2007 levels  
Public-Private investment in Catalonia  
Launch of Healthequity fund  
Financial for doctors  
El Colegio de Médicos de Barcelona create a venture capital fund  
Fluidra sign with Riva y Garcia an agreement  
Riva y García joins Salas in an industrial project in Morocco  
Mediterrània closes its best year  
Mediterrània reinforced in Tunis with the 39% of CIM  
El Colegio de Médicos and Riva y García present a new project of Risk Capital  
La Gaceta
La Gaceta 031208 266.74 kB
Mediterrània cierra en Argelia su primera operación  
Riva y García satisfet amb el seu fons d'inversió lliure
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Puja por la TV marroquí  
La Bolsa se queda sin amigos  
Apertura de oficinas en Casablanca y Argel  
Abril - Fondos Soberanos  
Cartera Ideal 243.09 kB
Fondos y Planes – Estrellas en Europa  
Riva y García, gestora más rentable de SICAVS 2007  
Fons Mediterrània Capital FCR  
Ranking Gestoras  
Habrá buenas oportunidades  
Riva y García ficha en capital riesgo a un directivo de Catalana d'Iniciatives  
El ICF desbloquea con Riva y García el fondo de capital riesgo del Magreb  
Press Clippings for Presentation of 2006 Results  
Riva y García establishes itself in Galicia  
Catalan businessmen give politicians the thumbs down  
Treasury Bills regain their appeal (MMB is quoted in the article)  
7th Property Club Conference  
A Brokerage Firm moving into Business Banking  
Riva y García purchases a Financial Group based in Madrid  
Appointment of Xavier Adserà
Varios pdf 339.88 kB
Southwing hires a director from Sony Ericsson in order to achieve growth in the USA and Asia  
Southwing is bought into by Invercat and Spinnaker  
Natraceutical is to create a pharmaceutical brand  
Riva y García is to take over Aguilar  
Riva y García takes over the Aguilar Group  
Riva y García takes over the Madrid-based Aguilar Group  
Riva y García takes over Aguilar  
Riva y García takes over Aguilar  
The financial group Riva y García acquires Aguilar y de la Fuente  
We want to broaden the concept of a financial analyst" XAG Interview  
Transfer due to cessation of business activities: Aguilar y de la Fuente is sold to Riva y García  
Riva y García strengthens its position with the purchase of Aguilar y de la Fuente and expects to handle 900 million Euros in 2009  
"We offer personalised solutions for each client"  
Xavier Adserá obtains one of the most influential positions  
"We may be leaders in Catalonia but we are new here" Interview with Guillermo Glz-Concheiro  
"Riva y García opens its third local office in Vigo"  
The Catalan Riva y García Financial Group arrives in Vigo  
WebCapital invests 400,000 Euros in Agnitio technology  
Riva y García intends to double its turnover in five years  
Riva y García launches a plan to double its revenues